Dimensional Calibration

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Dimensional Calibration

Scales Sales and Service specializes in a variety of dimensional calibration services. We use the latest technology and most advanced standards when it comes to calibrating equipment. Our technicians have years of experience when it comes to dimensional calibration equipment which ensures we are providing our clients with the best calibration services. For accurate dimensional calibrations, call Scales Sales and Services.

We can calibrate any of the following dimensional calibration tools:

  • Micrometers
  • Calipers
  • Torque wrenches
  • Dial indicators
  • Height gages
  • Pin gages

Don’t see your dimensional equipment on the list? No worries! These are just some of our most popular dimensional calibration tools we calibrate every month. Scales Sales and Service provides dimensional calibration services for a wide variety of equipment and a variety of manufacturers. Our technicians have years of experience and know how to properly calibrate any precision tool. We use state-of-the-art ISO compliant laboratories. Scales Sales and Service is constantly investing in equipment standards to continually push quality to new levels as technology is improving in order to provide the most accurate measurements to our clients.

Precision Calibrations

Scales Sales and Service provides expert dimensional calibration services for all types of dimensional standards, gages and hand tools. Our technicians follow the latest industry standards so you can rest easy knowing that your precision measurement tools are accurately calibrated. We want companies to think of our name first when their equipment is in need of having dimensional calibration service. We strongly recommend having all dimensional equipment calibrated every six months in order to ensure you are recording accurate measurements. We offer on-site calibrations regularly to ensure your tools are ready to be used and will provide you correct results every time.

For accurate dimensional calibration services on all your tools, contact Scales Sales and Service!

Why Choose us?

24/7 Emergency Services

Our Technicians are standing by to help with on demand technical support


Accredited for calibrations from grams to tons on all scale brands.


From solutions, to scale installation, to service and maintenance