

You have recognized the need to weigh your goods but don’t know if you are financially able to purchase a floor scale, counting scale, or even truck scale. Scale, Sales and Service realizes that sometimes the purchase of a new scale doesn’t always fit the budget or that it won’t be a permanent attribute to your business which is why we offer scale rentals. We offer scale rentals on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis with the same 24/7 service support we give our scale purchasers.


Scales, Sales and Service provides scale rentals near you! We have scales located across the United States and have them on-hand, ready for your use. If you are in need of renting a scale, contact one of our technicians. We would be more than happy to help find a scale near you to rent!

Why Choose us?

24/7 Emergency Services

Our Technicians are standing by to help with on demand technical support


Accredited for calibrations from grams to tons on all scale brands.


From solutions, to scale installation, to service and maintenance